Our Needs in 2017
Our Current Needs

Fencing for safety is critical in Malawi, for the safety of our children. We need to build a fence around the perimeters of the land for their safety and this is a large cost.
We have currently completed 51 panels of fencing. Each panel of fencing is 12’Length x 8′ Height at a cost of $250.00 Canadian. A donation towards a fence panel can also be made in dedication of a loved one. We need 364 panels to fence our project. The balance is 313 fence panels.
If you are interested in helping us protect our children click on the donate menu and mark your donation as fencing. Thank you.
Beds, programs, books and increased education.

We provide all of the needs of our children in the orphanage. Sustainability includes such basic needs as shelter (including water, electricity, fuel to cook) food, clothing, medical aid, education (includes notebooks, pens, pencils exam fees and term costs for education (3 terms), transportation for medical needs, and uniforms. Under this category we provide soap for clothing and laundry. Other basic needs are hygienic including toothbrushes and toothpaste, pads, soap. Basic food is maize that is milled, beans, soya pieces, chicken, seepa fish as well as fruit and vegetables. For helping us provide these basic needs hit the donate button on the menu tab and earmark your donation as sustainability. Thank you so much.
Vehicle to provide transportation as the cost of transportation is high in Malawi. If you feel you wish to contribute towards a vehicle please mark your contribution for a vehicle on the donation page. Thank you.
Thank you for all your support!!
Without your help we cannot help!!
Every dollar counts and is used to help these children 100%.